Cie. Têtes de Mules (FR) & Cie. Buffpapier (CH)

12.07. – 14.07.


The end of the world is just a game.

Apocalypso guarantees thrills and emotional upheaval on a sinking cruise ship. The atmosphere is fuelled by carnivalesque music in calypso style, which provides the right atmosphere in this apocalyptic ride. Be there, entertain yourself and the others and try not to let the world end around you.

The end of the world is near, but also nothing more and nothing less than an absurd and grotesque game. You leave it confused, with a chip in your hand and ready for a second round on the carousel.

With: Baptiste Eliçagaray, Stéphane Fratini, Franziska Hoby, Pol Jubany, Angela Neiman and Mattia Sinigaglia 

Director: Christophe Carrere

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